Mandarina Bavaria Hoppy, fruity, and fresh with mandarin and citrus notes Alpha:7,0-10,0% Name:Mandarina Bavarias Description:Hoppy, fruity, and fresh with mandarin and citrus notes Alpha:7,0-10,0% Pellets Typ 90 Vaccupack Hop cones Fresh green hops 5000g 100€ 100€ 90€ 90€ ab 50kg 900€ 900€ 750€ 750€ All prices including VAT plus shipping Do you want to order hops or a test example ? Fill out the form if you beed further information. We will get back to you as soon as possibleYour name and surnameE-MailTelephonenumberPlease let us know which hops is of interest for you ? Click the checkboxes of the type of hops you are interested in and also the needed quantityHallertauer MittelfrühQuantityHallertauer TraditionQuantityHallertauer Spalter SelectQuantityHallertauer PerleQuantityHallertauer SaphirQuantityHallertauer OpalQuantityHallertauer MagnumQuantityHallertauer HerkulesQuantityHallertauer BavariaQuantityHüll MelonQuantityCallistaYour requestI fully agree to the terms of service and data protection rulesSend request